Monday 5 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 9

Monday. Ward round 8am. Finished in theatre 6.30pm. Minimal food. So tired. So many neck lumps.

Jacket potato, tin of tuna, butter, mayo, lettuce, spring onion, cheese, two cups of tea and another third of the litre of ice-cream. Bit better.

I shouldn’t complain, at this rate I will easily hit my 244 hours, despite taking Friday off this week. It just makes the task of doing any work at home harder. But this is why they invented energy drinks, right? Another product of all this hard work is a face covered in spots (today my nose was so greasy I had to get a student nurse to push my glasses up no less than three times before I started surreptitiously pushing them up using the side of the theatre lamp), but many hours clocked scrubbed in holding stuff and learning the intricacies of head and neck anatomy. So, as usual, I’m feeling Positive. Considering contact lenses for tomorrow.

I’m not feeling too positive about the fact that I’m now counting down only five weeks and I have a big ol’ truck load of work to do. I need to dig Mr C out and sort out this research I’m supposed to be doing, but according to my diary he is ‘not in’ for seemingly the rest of forever. Another part of the project is to try and paint a few portraits of The Team. I’m daunted at the prospect of asking The Team if they would like to be portraited. I’m not sure my portraiting skills are up to it yet. But, deep breath, am going to take my camera to clinic on Wednesday and see what they say. Drawing from photos can be easier than from sitting. And hey, by the end of these six weeks I should have completed 42 self-portraits, of varying quality and accuracy. I wish it were like Science and I would see an x=y relationship of improvement in my portraiting. Is that right? X=Y? Where it goes up in a straight line? I need help.

When did this blog get so boring?

Today’s portrait is brought to you mostly by my imagination.


  1. Agreed, the duck is good! You have a really great illustrative style. So proud of you hun. Sounds like it's tough but it'll be so worth it xx
