Sunday 18 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 22

Ok, gonna keep this short since it is late and I have very little to say anyhow. I’ve just arrived back at The Accommodation and am enjoying a late night snack of charcoal sausage in tin foil and flat diet cola. I do feel that one of the overlooked perks of barbeques is the leftovers. All my food for the next three days will be served with coleslaw.

Today was spent mostly catching up with The Boy and remembering what it’s like to be at least a bit relaxed. I managed a proper lie-in for the first time in ages. 10.20 we made it to. Despite a broken bed. And no matter how bad that sounds I’m about to make it sound worse. It was broken long before I got home. By one of The Boy’s large male friends. Sheesh, I dunno what these lads get up to while I’m away and to be honest I feel happier not knowing. So this morning we watched a film with the Two Young Men then waved them off for their drive back down to London. The Boy and I managed to eat some lunch around 4pm. It was all pretty leisurely.

Until I set about being organised and finally went to check the bills. I was firstly financially violated by Water and Sewage. I was then further taken up the proverbial by Gas and Electric. I only managed to pay half of that bill as I ran out of money at this point. Tomorrow I will be casually ringing The Mother to beg a loaner. I hope she gets to read this first so it doesn’t come as a complete surprise. Mum, could I borrow some money please? Cheers. I know I’ve officially moved Mothers Day to next weekend but I promise to be all nice and have a wash before I come over and stuff. Thank you. Love you.

I got the coach back to London this evening and did this evening’s portrait on the tube. But I’m tired and have been promised a long and interesting day tomorrow so will upload yesterday’s and today’s portraits tomorrow. They’re not fabulous, I’m feeling biro a lot at the mo, but hey. I did them. Every frikkin day I do it. It’s becoming some kind of weird personal mission. I wonder if I could keep it up beyond the six weeks....? Or is that just crazy talk?

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