Tuesday 6 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 10

Ok. Once again, tired, blah blah. But today was another good one- 8am ward round, theatres all day, got to scrub in loads and was out but 5.30! Woop! In time to find Sainsburys and buy last minute Smallest Brother birthday presents. I can now afford it as my MONEY FREAKIN ARRIVED! Yay! I can not longer plead poverty nor homelessness! Or, as a gentleman put it to me last week, being domestically challenged and financially embarrassed.

Today started well, with being asked, if I didn’t mind and it wasn’t too much trouble, to leave the ward round and would I mind nipping to the shop to buy 4 AA batteries? Sure, no problem, Nice bit of fresh air in the morning, and back in plenty of time for theatre starting. And I have fulfilled the first GMC Tomorrow’s Doctors objective: doing what you are told. I then spent the rest of the day doing the following:
  • Finding out that Debridement makes me want to vomit and pass out,
  • obtaining large amounts of work (I now have two Consultants who have agreed to give me projects, plus a paper I have support to go ahead and write up on my own, on top of all this art malarkey. Speaking of art malarkey, it is interesting how many people have caught wind and I sense further offers of work on the horizon...),
  • eating a shit sandwich (I have finally learnt that if I am to survive I need to pack a lunch. I haven’t quite mastered it yet as today’s lettuce sarnie can attest to. I am also now the proud owner of a Hello Kitty sandwich box, thanks to this afternoons shopping trip),
  • and being laughed at for saying ‘crumbs’. I appear to have been mentored in expression by Penfold.

On the plus side, everyone was very charming, very interested and very happy to talk to me. Hoorah! And here was me thinking London was all aloof and that I was too cool for school. Speaking of cool, there are two rather adolescent people living in the flat here, who I occasionally encounter in the kitchen, who, not to sound paranoid, I’m pretty sure are laughing at me. Is the correct etiquette to punch the biggest one as a warning to the smaller one? Or just to poison all the milk? Please advise.

On a less teenage note, tonight’s art is sponsored by David Hockney.

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