Wednesday 28 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 32

Trotted over to Sister Hospital this morning for a clinic. I got the bus as usual and as usual had not anticipated the traffic. But was only five minutes late so not too bad. On arrival New Friend was in with the consultant (Mr Bond today), so I was left to chin-wag with the two SHOs who I’ve gotten to know over the past couple of weeks. I made one of them teach me dentistry. After seeing two patients, we ran out of patients. So the other SHO dragged the two students out for lunch in the sunshine. They got some food from a sushi shop (I had packed lunch and, Mum, had it confirmed yet again that peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches are not normal.) I got a little tub of ‘green tea ice cream’. How nice does that sound? It tasted rank. Like eating powdered green tea. Soooo nasty.

Anyway, I skipped out of the lunchtime MDT as I was half falling asleep and half watching the SHO drool over Mr Bond. While both fun, neither particularly constructive. So pottered back to The Accommodation. Via the market. Via ‘everything’s a quid’ guy. Picked up a gorgeous GAP summer dress for two squids and a few remnants of the nineties for a pound. Had a shower, did a bit of case report (which involved ringing the library to chase a journal), bit of painting then back out. Via the library to pick up this journal. The staff in the library weren’t much better at finding things electronically than I am but they were persistently helpful to the end and between the three of us I left happy with a print-out on the house. Yay library folk!

After being slightly kidnapped by the bus, finally met up with a mate on Oxford Street. Having made a very poor shoe choice for the afternoon. I have since resolved to have a ritual burning of all of my high heels. Horrible things. It stops being pain after a while and is just becomes an indescribable combination of nausea and wanting to cry. But we eventually found a pub, having failed to find the gallery we were supposed to nip into. Quick drink, quick chat then back to home-base. On arriving home I managed to consume food, watch DVD and drag myself back to my painting. I had promised myself I would finish this painting by the end of the week. My week ends tomorrow as I’m back off to Nottingham Friday morning. But I have a niggling headache and complete loss of gumption. I’m tempted to take it back with me over the weekend and see if I can make any headway.

This evening’s portrait is also sleepy.

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