Sunday 18 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 21

Today up and at them. Today going home for a bit. Coach booked for 8.30am to get back to Nottingham around midday, to see The Boy (very much missed but apparently quite hungover) and The Bird (also very much missed and not hungover to my knowledge). Now, living five minutes from the tube station and 20minutes on the tube to Victoria, leaving an hour to get to the coach station should have been fine. If I had not arrived at the tube station to be told that my line was closed. Cue panic. Ok, so there’s rail replacement buses. And when exactly to they turn up? “Dunno” eh? Ok. Plan B. Hopped on the first bus that came along and made it to Bank for ten to eight. Then ran, full pelt, to Monument. In hindsight I should have run above ground. The human traffic at that time in the morning on a Saturday would have been minimal and the above ground journey would not have included six sets of stairs and escalators to negotiate. I ran flat out for what was easily half a mile. I used to run fun runs and stuff, I was almost up to 10K at one point, but having not trained in several months, wearing skate trainers and a full rucksack, and not so much running but sprinting (spurred on by the thought that if I miss my coach, a single ticket on the train would be over fifty squids). I was pretty exhausted, smelly and coughing by the time I got there. But I got there. Yay me!

Ok, that was probably the most exciting thing that happened today. Everything after that was pretty chilled out. I had a well deserved nap on the coach and read a good novel the Two Marilyns lent me. Her and her Hubby are getting a good track record of book lending. On arrival in Notts I popped into Broadmarsh 99p Store and picked up half a dozen disposable BBQs and trammed it home. To find a pile of sleepy smelly dudes in my living room. Take-away for lunch was in order before going to Asda to collect sausages and beer. Interspersed with arrival of friends, BBQ commenced. And the rest is history. A really relaxed afternoon eating sausages and drinking beer with a few select friends, just missing the rain. And after a conversation with one I have been thinking I may appeal against one of my exam results, depending on how the feedback meeting goes. We’ll see.

Managed to do portrait as an afterthought this evening but no camera so will upload in retrospect. 

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