Saturday 24 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 28

28 Days. That's pretty much a month. And isn't it theoretically the time taken for the Zombocalypse to reach completion or something? (the internet does not back up this speculation). Mm, Cillian Murphy.

Anywhoo... I'm at The Mother's for the weekend. That means another retrospective portrait upload when I can be bothered to do one tonight. Had a lovely sleep last night on The Mother's couch, then went into London with Mummy and The Aunty, who works for the London Arts College or somesuch. Thus meaning we got free tickets to see some BA Acting today. So sporting my new high heeled ankle boots we enjoyed The Changeling. Although I could tell none of us were really following it as we almost left during the interval, thinking it was over.

Sore feet later I'm now back on the couch, full of pizza and garlic sauce. I have learnt nothing today nor done anything that could reasonably be construed as constructive. Be Kind Rewind on the telly (they're just re-filming Ghost Busters). About to consume three tiny cheesecakes. Happy.

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