Sunday 11 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 14

Another retrospective one. Yesterday was all a bit busy. In a really good way though. Little Brother and I departed Kent at 8am to head back to London. I arrived back at accommodation by 9.30 and had a chance to do a retrospective portrait for Friday. Didn’t get a chance to upload it as had to then dash out to meet The Mother, who had treated me to an opera ticket. We met at the V&A where I stalked her round the architectural collections with my camera. She looked so cute in her little red mac. We shared a scone with jam and clotted cream then walked down to the Royal Albert Hall. The last time I was there I was performing (lol) as part of my school choir. It was a massive event of school choirs from all over and we all sang big songs and waved tinsel. I think I was probably about 10. Aida was much better than our school choir. We even got a free seat upgrade.

I did notice during the performance that I couldn’t read any of the subtitles. Anyone unfamiliar with opera, there are usually translated subtitles on electronic boards somewhere. This performance was ‘in the round’ (you sit all around the stage like an amphitheatre) and there were plenty of subtitle boards dotted around. I definitely need new glasses. Urgh. Anyway, after that I was due to catch a train from Paddington and Mum was so scared I’d miss it she bundled me out of the theatre during the applause. So off I trundled to Paddington, with plenty of time to spare. So much in fact that the friend I was meeting there treated me to a glass in a Champagne Bar. And the glass had Champagne in it. I’ve never been in a Champagne Bar before and I now recognize it as a thoroughly good idea.

Train ride to Bristol, most expensive cab ride ever, then finally got to Friends’ new house and it’s loo. Having needed to pee since London. The house is super lovely as are all the people inside. This particular little group of friends I have known since the first year of my first degree. They weren’t at uni with me but we have stayed firm friends ever since. We try to make the effort to see each other a few times a year despite all living in different parts of the country. Today was a house warming and proceeded like all the other times we get together- many many bottles of red wine and a couple of packs of Richmond Menthols. I had to turn in at 3am due to generalised exhaustion.
And so last nights blog was not done. So I am now writing it on the laptop, in the garden, in the sunshine. With Simone and the two Marilyns. They are cool. I feel like I’m on holiday. 

Yesterday's picture was done in a card Mum bought me in the V&A. I liked the bird with the moustache.


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