Wednesday 14 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 17

Sorry for another retrospective one, but I got in really rather late (or early this morning) and was just too ready for bed. Yesterday was another really good day. I have decided that the occasional enforced lie-in is a really really good idea. So yesterday I woke up around 9am and called Secretary. She was happy for me to pop over so I got dressed, changed the sheets (discovering a copy of ZOO, Christmas issue 2010, under the matress- I recommend that more people look under their mattresses in student accommodation), I packed Hello Kitty with peanut butter and cucumber sarnies and hopped on a bus. I got there and Secretary was out for a ciggie break. I’m really developing a soft spot for her. She set me up with all the programmes and spreadsheets I needed and I set about completing a couple of hours work, showing it to Consultant and leaving with a sense of accomplishment.

Just to quickly clarify with the ‘no names’ policy. Mr C is a big-wig and my supervisor while I’m here. Consultant is another consultant who I am doing a project for. If I meet any more consultants who I need to mention I’m going to have to start inventing more pseudonyms.

Back at The Hospital I went and sat in the afternoons Clinic. Mr C turned up about 30mins late (he’d had a very busy morning being the Head of Surgery Things and speaking to the EU about stuff) and seemed pleasantly surprised that I was still here. Due to all his other commitments I hadn’t seen him for about a week. I hope he thinks I’m getting on and not just dossing. Maybe I should show him my blog...? Maybe not. Sadly the clinic was then running quite late and I had to leave as I had a dinner date.

Ran home, put on some kind of outfit (pulled a skirt over my work capris and put my Marla Singer shirt over the top) and ran out the back to grab a bus. I’d not got the bus to these friends before but I remembered what their towering block of flats looked like and head for it, directions scrawled on a napkin in hand. And what a delightful evening. I didn’t realise how much I can talk after a couple of glasses of wine. I think we covered all the major topics; Religion, Travel, Art, Who Has Been Bullying Me Lately, David Bowie and so on. I was treated to some delicious home-cooking and good quality chat. I was having such a lovely time that I managed to completely neglect the actual time and ended up grabbing a night bus home. Hence the not blogging last night. I did however get to do my portrait last night. Under the watchful eye of a Propa Artist. I’m really chuffed as not only does it add a bit of a new dimension to the project but he gave me some really good ideas about exploring self portraiture. As is blog policy, no names, but the below pics may give this one away a little.

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