Sunday 11 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 15

Today was just grand. I really needed it. Woke up at a leisurely hour this morning, to sunshine pouring in between the slats of the blinds. I found myself sprawled across a sofa-bed tangled in a blanket. I appear to have removed my makeup and put on my pj bottoms but for some reason kept my sweater on. I bought it on Friday. It is pink and has a big letter A on it. Having spent the latter part of the night counselling the other half through his drunken stupor, I failed really to develop one of my own. I fought hard but only made it to 3am, despite friendly encouragement and a shot of what I vaguely remember to be cognac. The more hardcore (as in, everybody else) made it to 5 apparently.

So, we all emerged into the sunshine, were furnished with lots of tea and sat in the garden reading papers. It was then I managed to do yesterday’s blog. The sky was clear and blue overhead and for some reason there were seagulls so I felt like I had woken up on holiday. Just gorgeous. We all managed to dress ourselves and then had a walk round the corner for a cider and the world’s biggest roast dinner. None of us managed to finish despite all being rather hungry. I feel I made the most valiant effort. Yum! This all made for a very relaxed coach journey back to London. I was planning on an after-lunch snooze but got engrossed in a book so missed the opportunity.

But am back now, with a loaf of bread from Budgens and a cup of tea. Ready to start again tomorrow. Clean hair, new socks, perhaps not physically rested but mentally I’ve just been on a cruise. Thanks Ladies! xxx

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