Tuesday 20 March 2012

Medical Elective- Day 24

Argh, what is with this stupid body of mine?? Today started out really pretty good. I went to bed around 10.30 last night and woke up around 6 this morning, then went back to sleep until my alarm at 7. I didn’t feel too bad. Packed Hello Kitty and made a beeline for The Other Hospital, doing my two- bus journey in just over half an hour. Blinder. Got the database finished today, going back tomorrow morning to do the mail-merge and stuff envelopes all morning. I got back to The Accommodation, had a 10min lie down, then popped back into The Hospital to check up on a patient. The patient who had the large operation to remove half of their face, I can report is doing well and feeling positive. They have also said they would be happy for me to take some pictures with a view to painting them for the charity exhibition. Success!

And then it all went crud. I got home, put on a DVD and then slept on and off for the next five hours. I got up to make snacks (evidence of half a bun with nutella, eaten pot of potato salad) and even took a phone call during this weird lucid sleep. I hate it. I hate it so much. I assume I sleep because I’m fatigued (and not just procrastinating subconsciously) and this room is too blasted warm. But it’s not real sleep- this room is too blasted warm. And I’m constantly haunted by waking dreams of guilt for sleeping when I should be working. And then when I finally ‘wake up’ I only have a few hours before I go to bed to do my chores (blog and picture) as well as all that work I was supposed to do in the afternoon. I had grand designs of doing a painting this evening to celebrate having a few hours to accomplish something. Instead you’re getting another scribble. A reflection of my lack of achieving today’s goals.

Oh well. I did write a bit of that case report and spent a fair bit of the evening looking up Flexner Serum (I couldn’t find a recipe but it’s a 100 year old treatment for meningitis that was put straight into the CSF and had quite a high cure rate). There, have done tonight’s portrait. Tonight you get a biro scribble and finger painting on a page torn out of a magazine. It was actually quite fun- the page is all slippy and quite nice to paint on. Frustrated sulking may have yielded something to do in the future. Have finished my lapsang and just going to let the paint dry under my finger nails. Back to The Other Hospital in the morning then Sister Hospital for clinic in the afternoon (must back lunch for on the buses). Then meeting up with a friend from way way back to have a pint and a pie. Chin up, eh?

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