Monday 2 April 2012

Medical Elective- Day 37

There’s a plate and cutlery gremlin somewhere round here... and I will seek him out. I just walking into the kitchen to make a cuppa and a spot of dinner to find some old guy schmoozing a lady, neither of whom I had seen before, but he pretty much told me off for walking in. I apologised and carried on. What I should have said was- this is the kitchen, I imagine one of you rents here so just go in there and you won’t have to see me pottering around making tea with wet hair and putting you off your stride. Sleazy.

Today was another pretty bog standard, ward round at 8, clocked a pretty interesting paediatric case to write up then went to theatre until midday. By midday I had become so distracted by the increasing list of ‘things to do’ in my head that I just left. I had work to do. So, back at The Accommodation I managed four hours of painting (which seemed to make a little dent in it- but considering it’s gotta be finished tomorrow night and I’m meeting my Dad for dinner I don’t have many hours left to dedicate to it. Sad face). I then took a nap for an hour cos I totally earned it. Tonight I finished writing up a case report and sent it on to the Reg for looksies and made a start on the case report from today. I still haven’t touched the pile of ‘forms that need filling’. Maybe I can do that on the bus tomorrow.

Tomorrow I’m back over at the Other Hospital, the one that’s two bus rides away. Morning in theatre seeing interesting thyroid surgery, then the afternoon dedicated to following up on the project, which involves phoning lots of people. I’m quickly running out of gumption. But Dad is meeting me for dinner (on the other side of London) tomorrow so despite the seven quid cost of a travel card these days I’m actually quite looking forward to tomorrow (even thought I will be exhausted and when I get back I need to paint until I pass out). And I haven’t even started making a gifty thing for The Team. I really wanted to do a painting or something for them but just haven’t found the time. I should have really started my ‘goodbye’ gift when I first arrived... Never mind.

So, it’s all push for the last week in London! Sign off after clinic Wednesday night, goodbye drinks after theatre on Thursday then move-out on Friday. Le sigh.

As an experiment for busy people, this portrait was done with ‘whatever was to hand’, which tonight was my dinner.

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